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Research Informatics Training


Vice President, Head of Application Development at Bruker BioSpin


An accomplished Research and Technology leader with 18 years of experience setting strategies and delivering innovative molecular data-driven translational solutions, building knowledge bioresources and data analytics platforms. I have extensive practical experience in lab-based IVDR, ISO and GLP, and data GDPR privacy regulatory requirements to ensure compliance standards. With a wide-ranging network across industry, SME, and academia, I have secured funding, coordinated/partnered in four international Horizon EC projects and produced over 125 publications. As a strategic leader, I have established and advanced three globally-used knowledge resources, ensuring FAIR governance compliance, and have developed automated curation solutions using NLP, resulting in a 50% reduction in curation time and enhanced interoperability while doubling data accuracy and quality. My team developed robust AI/ML and biostatistical workflow pipelines for analysing bioresources multi-omics and RWE data using automated IaaS workflows, DevOps, and platform-based techniques. Utilising my team's skills in Knowledge Graphs, on top of bioresources analytics, to establish interpretive tools to improve insight into molecular cancer epidemiology IARC EPIC data resulting in reproducible, data-driven models that generate novel insights. As a goal-oriented leader, I prioritise creating supportive and productive cultures that foster teamwork and clear communication while emphasising operational excellence. I am passionate about leading cross-functional teams in a collaborative and impactful manner to drive innovation and deliver results.


Key publications: 


Behavioural and molecular endophenotypes in psychotic disorders reveal heritable abnormalities in glutamatergic neurotransmission. (PMID:25826115) Scoriels L, Salek RM, Goodby E, Grainger D, Dean AM, West JA, Griffin JL, Suckling J, Nathan PJ, Lennox BR, Murray GK, Bullmore ET, Jones PB. Translational Psychiatry, 2015, 5:e540

Data standards can boost metabolomics research, and if there is a will, there is a way P Rocca-Serra, RM Salek, M Arita, E Correa, S Dayalan, … Metabolomics 12 (1), 1-13

Mass spectral databases for LC/MS and GC/MS-based metabolomics: state of the field and future prospects M Vinaixa, EL Schymanski, S Neumann, M Navarro, RM Salek and O Yanes. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2015

COordination of Standards in MetabOlomicS (COSMOS): facilitating integrated metabolomics data access RM Salek, S Neumann, D Schober, J Hummel, K Billiau… – Metabolomics

Dolphin: a tool for automatic targeted metabolite profiling using 1D and 2D (1)H-NMR data. (PMID:25370160) Gómez J, Brezmes J, Mallol R, Rodríguez MA, Vinaixa M, Salek RM, Correig X, Cañellas N. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2014, 406(30):7967-7976

Embedding standards in metabolomics: the Metabolomics Society data standards task group. RM Salek, M Arita, S Dayalan, T Ebbels, AR Jones… – Metabolomics, 2015

Getting the right answers: understanding metabolomics challenges. (PMID:25354566) Beisken S, Eiden M, Salek RM. Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics, 2015, 15(1):97-109

The mzTab data exchange format: communicating mass-spectrometry-based proteomics and metabolomics experimental results to a wider audience. (PMID:24980485 PMCID:PMC4189001) Griss J, Jones AR, Sachsenberg T, Walzer M, Gatto L, Hartler J, Thallinger GG, Salek RM, … and Xenacios I. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics : MCP, 2014, 13(10):2765-2775

Genome-wide association study of metabolic traits reveals novel gene-metabolite-disease links. (PMID:24586186 PMCID:PMC3930510) Rueedi R, Ledda M, Nicholls AW, Salek RM, Marques-Vidal P, … and Bergman S. PLoS Genetics, 2014, 10(2):e1004132

MetaboLights—an open-access general-purpose repository for metabolomics studies and associated meta-data K Haug, RM Salek, P Conesa, J Hastings, P de Matos, M Rijnbeek, … Nucleic acids research, gks1004

Teaching and Supervisions




  • Metabolomics data analysis - Training Lead, Trainer


  • Introduction to Metabolomics - Training Lead, Trainer


  • An introduction to metabolomics and its application in life-sciences - Trainer


  • An introduction to metabolomics and its application in life-sciences - Trainer


  • An introduction to metabolomics and its application in life-sciences - Trainer


  • An introduction to metabolomics and its application in life-sciences - Trainer


  • Introduction to Metabolomics 
Reza Salek

Contact Details

Email address: 
Bruker Biospin