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Bioinformatics Training


These courses aim to familiarise the participants with advanced data analysis methodologies and provide hands-on training on the latest analytical approaches for specific types of biological data.

The analysis of high-throughput sequencing data is the most popular topic, as reflected by the wide range of courses covering this subject (e.g. RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, variation, DNA methylation, whole exome sequencing analysis) but the spectrum of training courses on offer is much wider.

Bulk RNA-seq analysis

This course starts with a brief introduction to RNA-seq and discusses quality control issues. Next, we will present the alignment step, quantification of expression and differential expression analysis. For downstream analysis we will focus on tools available through the Bioconductor project for manipulating and analysing bulk RNA-seq.

For additional information and to register your interest, follow this link.



Single-cell RNA-seq analysis

In this course we will be surveying the existing problems as well as the available computational and statistical frameworks available for the analysis of scRNA-seq.

For additional information and to register your interest, follow this link.



Working with Bacterial Genomes

This comprehensive course equips you with essential skills and knowledge in bacterial genomics analysis, primarily using Illumina-sequenced samples. You'll gain an understanding of how to select the most appropriate analysis workflow, tailored to the genome diversity of a given bacterial species.

For additional information and to register your interest, follow this link.



Analysis of ChIP-seq Data with SeqMonk

Chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing (ChIP-seq) is a method used to identify binding sites for transcription factors, histone modifications and other DNA-binding proteins across the genome. In this course, we will cover the fundamentals of ChIP-seq data analysis, from raw data to downstream applications.

For additional information and to register your interest, follow this link.



Analysis of DNA methylation using sequencing

This course will cover all aspects of the analysis of DNA methylation using sequencing, including primary analysis, mapping and quality control of BS-Seq (Bisulfite-Sequencing) data, common pitfalls and complications.  

For additional information and to register your interest, follow this link.



Analysis of mapped NGS data with SeqMonk

This course provides an introduction to the main features of SeqMonk and will run through the analysis of a couple of different datasets to show what sort of analysis options it provides.

This course is currently not scheduled to run, but for more information and to express your interest please click here



Expression proteomics analysis in R

This course will present a set of R/Bioconductor packages to access, manipulate, visualise and analyse mass spectrometry (MS) and quantitative proteomics data.

For additional information and to register your interest, follow this link.



Extracting biological information from gene lists

This course looks at the various software packages, databases and statistical methods which may be of use in performing such an analysis. 

For additional information and to register your interest, follow this link.



Quality Control in Sequencing Experiments

This course covers the potential pitfalls of short-read sequencing studies and provides options for visualisation and quality control (QC) for early detection and diagnosis of issues.

For additional information and to register your interest, follow this link.



Metabolomics data analysis 

The aim of this course is to provide an overview of metabolomics and its applications in life sciences, clinical and environmental settings

For additional information and to register your interest, follow this link.



Metagenomics data analysis

This two days course will focus on the theory and applications of metagenomics, for the analysis of complex microbiomes (microbial communities). 

For additional information and to register your interest, follow this link.




Foundations of Phylogenetic Inference

This course will provide training for bench-based biologists to use molecular data to construct and interpret phylogenies, and test their hypotheses.

For additional information and to register your interest, follow this link



Building Computational Pipelines with Snakemake


This 1-day workshop will cover the principles for building workflows using Snakemake, as well as more advanced strategies to fully customise, automate and scale your analysis.

For additional information and to register your interest, follow this link.



Protein Structure Modelling

This course covers analytical approaches for the interpretation of biomacromolecular structures.

This three-day course is in the process of being developed. Please watch this space for further updates.



Variant Discovery with GATK4

This workshop will focus on the core steps involved in calling germline short variants, somatic short variants, and copy number alterations with the Broad’s Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK), using “Best Practices” developed by the GATK methods development team. 

This course is currently not scheduled to run, but for more information and to express your interest please click here



Transcriptome Analysis for Non-Model Organisms

This course provides an overview of modern applications of transcriptome sequencing and popular tools, and algorithms, for exploring transcript reconstruction and expression analysis in a genome-free manner.

This course is currently not scheduled to run, but for more information and to express your interest please click here



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