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Research Informatics Training


MRC-DTP PhD Student in Neuroscience & Mental Health


Blanca is currently a third-year PhD student in Psychology and a Gates Cambridge Scholar under the MRC Doctoral Training Programme. In a collaboration between the University of Cambridge and the University of the Basque Country, Blanca's interdisciplinary research aims to understand the role of peer and friendship groups, family support and neighbourhood cohesion in mental health during adolescence. Blanca has a background in psychology and social sciences (Psychology Major in BSc Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics, University of Amsterdam, 2018) and in cognitive neuroscience (MRes in Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London, 2019). In 2019 and until the start of her PhD, Blanca was working for the Blakemore lab as a research assistant.


Key publications: 


A Neuroecosocial Perspective on Adolescent Development

Teaching and Supervisions




  • Advanced Statistics in R - Trainer
  • Core Statistics in R - Trainer
Blanca Piera Pi Sunyer

Contact Details

Email address: 
Blakemore Lab
Department of Psychology
Downing Street