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Research Informatics Training


PhD student in Dr Rueda's lab at the MRC Biostatistics Unit, University of Cambridge.


Izzy completed an M.Eng. degree in computer science specializing in deep learning at the University of Bristol. She then worked as a data scientist in the Samarajiwa lab (2019-2020), with a focus on applying machine learning for cancer early detection. Izzy is now a 3rd year PhD student at the MRC Biostatistics Unit, supervised by Dr Oscar Rueda and Dr Shamith Samarajiwa. She is working on trying to uncover biological pathways in the immune system in both normal and disease states using graph machine learning.

Teaching and Supervisions




  • Statistical analysis and experimental design - Trainer


  • Core Statistics using R - Trainer


Izzy Newsam

Contact Details

Email address: 
MRC Biostatistics Unit
University of Cambridge
East Forvie Building
Forvie Site
Robinson Way
Cambridge Biomedical Campus