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Research Informatics Training


Scientist, teacher, trainer, and educational consultant.

Experienced in designing, writing and delivering science lessons, courses and training in school, university and adult education. With a PhD in Neuroscience I have both broad and in depth scientific knowledge and research skills, as well as organisation and project planning experience and the ability to distill complex information and put it across in an understandable format to various audiences. I have Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) and am a Chartered Science Teacher (CSciTeach). Also experienced in adult learning and development, delivering training and facilitating continuous professional development.

Currently enjoying a portfolio career combining teaching, professional development, consultancy and developing training courses for a scientific research audience. I focus on developing and delivering training of science ’soft skills’ including research integrity, electronic laboratory notebooks and scientific figure design.




  • BSc. in Biology and Biochemistry (with French), University of Keele, UK, 1997
  • PhD Neurobiology, University of Cambridge, UK, 2002

Teaching and Supervisions




  • Introduction to Scientific Figure Design - Training Lead, Trainer


  • Introduction to Scientific Figure Design - Training Lead, Trainer


  • Introduction to Scientific Figure Design - Training Lead, Trainer
Jo Montgomery

Contact Details

Babraham Institute
Babraham Hall
Babraham Research Campus
CB22 3AT