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Research Informatics Training


Research Associate in Biomedical Data Science

I am currently a Research Associate in Biomedical Data Science in the Department of Public Health and Primary Care. I am a Software Sustainability Institute Fellow, a College Post-Doctoral Associate at Jesus College, Cambridge, and an Associate Fellow of Advance HE. Full CV here.


I first studied in Paris (France) at Lycée Saint-Louis and ENSAE Paris where he earned a BSc and a French Diplôme d’Ingénieur (MSc) studying mainly mathematics and statistics, but also theoretical physics and economics. During these years, I interned as a Data Scientist at Sidetrade (Paris) and Amazon EU (Luxembourg). In 2017, I headed to the University of Oxford, where I completed an MSc in Statistics and Machine Learning. I joined Cambridge and the Cardiovascular Epidemiology Unit in 2018 for a PhD in Health Data Science supervised by Prof. Michael Inouye and supported by the MRC-DTP. My PhD, completed in 2022, looked at machine learning tools used to predict protein-protein interactions and the carbon footprint of computational research.


• Combining machine learning, genomics and medical imaging to better understand diseases, in particular cardiovascular ones.
• Helping clinicians leverage artificial intelligence tools for patient care.
• Sustainability in research: how to quantify and reduce the carbon footprint of computational science.   We developed the Green Algorithms project to promote best-practices.
• Biostatistics modelling for clinical studies (human and veterinary medicine).
For more details and updates on these projects, see my website and my Twitter feed.


Key publications: 

Lannelongue, L., Grealey, J., Inouye, M., 2021. Green Algorithms: Quantifying the Carbon Footprint of Computation. Advanced Science 8, 2100707.

Lannelongue, L., Grealey, J., Bateman, A., Inouye, M., 2021. Ten simple rules to make your computing more environmentally sustainable. PLoS Comput Biol 17, e1009324.

Lannelongue, L., Inouye, M., 2022. Construction of in silico protein-protein interaction networks across different topologies using machine learning. bioRxiv.

Full list of publications on Google Scholar.

Teaching and Supervisions



  • Introduction to Machine Learning - Trainer
Loïc Lannelongue

Contact Details

Email address: 
Department of Public Health and Primary Care
Strangeways Research Laboratory
Worts Causeway