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Research Informatics Training


Noam graduated with a PhD in Psychology from Tel Aviv University School of Psychological Sciences and was a Rothschild Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of Oxford. He holds a special interest in meta-science, research integrity, and applied statistics, both within the Social Sciences and more broadly in research systems.


Noam Tal-Perry is a Research Associate at the University of Cambridge, working as part of the Action Research on Research Culture (ARRC) project. Previously, he graduated with a PhD in Psychology from Tel Aviv University School of Psychological Sciences and was a Rothschild Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of Oxford. He holds a special interest in meta-science, research integrity, and applied statistics, both within the Social Sciences and more broadly in research systems.


Key publications: 



Exposure to temporal variability promotes subsequent adaptation to new temporal regularities
O Shdeour, N Tal-Perry, M Glickman, S Yuval-Greenberg
Cognition 244, 105695
Sequential effect and temporal orienting in prestimulus oculomotor inhibition
N Tal-Perry, S Yuval-Greenberg
Journal of Vision 23 (14), 1-1
When experience is disadvantageous: a short exposure to one temporal regularity hinders adaptation to a new one
O Shdeour, N Tal-Perry, M Glickman, S Yuval-Greenberg
Journal of Vision 22 (14), 3646-3646
Contraction bias in temporal estimation
N Tal-Perry, S Yuval-Greenberg
Cognition 229, 105234
The spatiotemporal link of temporal expectations: contextual temporal expectation is independent of spatial attention
N Tal-Perry, S Yuval-Greenberg
Journal of Neuroscience 42 (12), 2516-2523
Pre-target oculomotor inhibition reflects temporal orienting rather than certainty
N Tal-Perry, S Yuval-Greenberg
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 21478
Oculomotor inhibition precedes temporally expected auditory targets
D Abeles, R Amit, N Tal-Perry, M Carrasco, S Yuval-Greenberg
Nature communications 11 (1), 3524
Pre-stimulus inhibition of eye movements reflects temporal expectation rather than time estimation
N Tal-Perry, S Yuval-Greenberg
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics
Pre-target oculomotor inhibition reflects temporal certainty
S Yuval-Greenberg, N Tal
Journal of Vision 19 (10), 280-280
Oculomotor behavior is inhibited during duration estimation
N Tal, S Yuval-Greenberg
Journal of Vision 19 (10), 101b-101b
Reducing saccadic artifacts and confounds in brain imaging studies through experimental design
N Tal, S Yuval‐Greenberg
Psychophysiology 55 (11), e13215




Teaching and Supervisions




  • Core Statistics Using R - Trainer
  • Generalised linear models - Trainer
  • Linear mixed effects models - Trainer


  • Core Statistics Using R - Trainer
Noam Tal-Perry

Contact Details

Email address: 
The Bennett Institute for Public Policy
Department of Politics and International Studies
Alison Richard Building
7 West Road