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Research Informatics Training


Currently studying for a PhD in the Plant Sciences department in Cambridge in cooperation with the AgriFoRwArdS CDT and Defra. Before joining the CDT I was an electronics engineer working for Arm for over a decade. I led some big teams building Neural network Processing Units and I’ve come back to academia to explore how ML technology can be applied in agriculture and conservation. I’ve also had various placements and consultancy roles including keeping BBC Alba on air in Glasgow, working for Hitachi in Japan, designing control electronics for a telecoms start up and developing a drug delivery device for arthritis patients. My current academic work focuses on optimising control of invasive plant diseases using machine learning based approaches from the world of robotics.



Other publications: 

Accelerate AI in Biological Science workshop (May 2023): Can we use Machine Learning to Improve Control of Invasive Plant Diseases?

12th International Congress of Plant Pathology – ICPP satellite event 2023 (August 2023): Integrating Reinforcement Learning and Epidemiological Models for Disease Control Optimisation with Limited Information.

Teaching and Supervisions




  • Principles of Machine Learning - Trainer

  • Programming for Machine Learning - Trainer

  • Introduction to Bayesian Inference - Trainer

Rachel Trimble

Contact Details

Email address: 
Department of Plant Sciences
University of Cambridge
Downing Street