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Research Informatics Training


I am a PhD student in Clinical Neurosciences at University of Cambridge, working on developing a vascularized brain organoid/assembiod model for studying neurodegenerative diseases (eg., ALS/FTD) in Dr. Andras Lakatos' lab (Department of Clinical Neurosciences) and Professor Yan Yan Shery Huang's lab (Department of Engineering).



  • University of Cambridge

    Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Clinical Neurosciences

    2023 - 2027

    Dr. Andras Lakatos' lab and Professor Yan Yan Shery Huang's lab - Engineering a vascularized brain-spinal-cord-muscle assembloid model to study neurodegenerative diseases (eg., ALS/FTD).

    Recipient of the School of Clinical Medicine Cambridge International Scholarship and the DTP-MR PhD studentship to cover full tuition fees (international rate), research costs, and living expenses.
    Christ's College.


  • Imperial College London

    MRes Neurotechnology Distinction

    2022 - 2023

    Activities and Societies: Robotics Society (2022-2023), Neuroscience Society (2022-2023), and Imperial College Yoga Club (2022-2023). Leadership: Student Representative in MRes Neurotechnology (2022-2023).

    Professor Rylie Green's lab: biopatterning and neural interfaces.
    Recipient of the bioengineering departmental scholarship.


  • Imperial College London

    Bachelor's degree Biological Sciences with a year in industry/research 1st (Dean's List for all academic years, 80%/Distinction for the industry year)

    2018 - 2022

    Activities and Societies: Synthetic biology society (2018-2021); Archery club committee member & Fletcher (2018-2020). Leadership: Peer-assisted study skills (PASS) biochemistry mentor (2019-2020); BioSoc Mom and Dad scheme (2020-2021)

    Research direction: machine learning analysing molecular dynamics of intrinsically disordered proteins (Final-year project); modelling cellular and cell-free aggregation kinetics of alpha-synuclein (Placement-year project); exploring mechanical forces on stem cell differentiation (Tutored Dissertation)

Teaching and Supervisions




  • Bulk RNA-seq analysis - Trainer
  • Single cell RNA-seq analysis - Trainer


  • Core Statistics using R - Trainer
  • Bulk RNA-seq analysis - Trainer
  • Single cell RNA-seq analysis - Trainer
Betty Wang

Contact Details

Email address: 
John van Geest Centre for Brain Repair
Department of Clinical Neurosciences
University of Cambridge
Forvie Site
Robinson Way