Ensembl Outreach Officer at European Bioinformatics Institute
Biomedical and Molecular Sciences Research, Molecular Biology 2014 - 2015
Grade: Distinction
Activities and societies: Student Representative - Biomedical and Molecular Sciences Research 2014-2015
Thesis: The Role of Brown Adipose Tissue in Pregnancy.
Doctor of Philosophy - PhD, Gut-liver axis 2016 - 2020
Activities and societies: Engagement Officer for Quadram Student Forum 2016 - 2018
Guide to exploring genes and genomes with Ensembl
2022-01-26 | Lecture/speech
Part of DOI: DOI: 10.6019/TOL.Guide_ensembl22-w.2022.00001.1
Differential Influence of Soluble Dietary Fibres on Intestinal and Hepatic Carbohydrate Response.
2021-11-27 | Journal article
DOI: 10.3390/nu13124278
PMID: 34959832
PMC: PMC8706546
Annotating and prioritizing genomic variants using the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor-A tutorial.
Human mutation
2021-11-24 | Journal article
DOI: 10.1002/humu.24298
PMID: 34816521
A guide to exploring genes and genomes with Ensembl
2021-04-14 | Lecture/speech
Part of DOI: DOI: 10.6019/TOL.Guide-ensembl-w.2021.00001.1
A progesterone-brown fat axis is involved in regulating fetal growth.
Scientific reports
2017-09-06 | Journal article
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-10979-7
PMID: 28878263
PMC: PMC5587669
Teaching and Supervisions
- Using the Ensembl Genome Browser - Trainer
- Ensembl REST API workshop - Trainer