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Research Informatics Training


Senior Scientific Data Manager at Eagle Genomics Ltd.

As senior scientific data manager at Eagle Genomics I ensure that our customers' data is standardised and onboarded onto our e[datascientist] platform. This enables our customers to discover new insights by analysing their data in the context of publicly available data. I am working with our Product and Engineering teams throughout the development process to ensure new features and application are providing maximum value for our customers. I use my 12 years of wet lab experience and data integration knowledge gained during my 9 years as senior scientific curator for the Complex Portal at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) for 9 years extensively in this role.

I am also a passionate STEM Ambassador. I go into schools and preschools or worked with children during science festivals. Since the coronavirus pandemic, I have given a several career talks as part of the schools' online learning programmes.


Key publications: 

The IntAct database: efficient access to fine-grained molecular interaction data

N Del Toro, A Shrivastava, E Ragueneau, B Meldal, C Combe, E Barrera, ...

Nucleic acids research 50 (D1), D648-D653

Complex Portal 2022: new curation frontiers

BHM Meldal, L Perfetto, C Combe, T Lubiana, JV Ferreira Cavalcante, ...

Nucleic Acids Research 50 (D1), D578-D586

Mondo: Unifying diseases for the world, by the world

NA Vasilevsky, NA Matentzoglu, S Toro, JE Flack, H Hegde, DR Unni, ...


Global analysis of human SARS-CoV-2 infection and host-virus interaction

M Ferrarini, V Aguiar-Pulido, E Dawson, A Guarracino, A Gruber, ...

Integration of transcription coregulator complexes with sequence-specific DNA-binding factor interactomes

N Velthuijs, B Meldal, Q Geessinck, P Porras, Y Medvedeva, A Zubritskiy, ...

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Gene Regulatory Mechanisms 1864 (10), 194749

The Gene Ontology resource: enriching a GOld mine

Nucleic Acids Research 49 (D1), D325-D334

Towards a unified open access dataset of molecular interactions

P Porras, E Barrera, A Bridge, N Del-Toro, G Cesareni, M Duesbury, ...

Nature communications 11 (1), 1-12

Analysing the Yeast Complexome-The Complex Portal rising to the challenge

BHM Meldal, C Pons, L Perfetto, N Del-Toro, E Wong, P Aloy, ...


The IMEx coronavirus interactome: an evolving map of Coronaviridae–host molecular interactions

L Perfetto, C Pastrello, N Del-Toro, M Duesbury, M Iannuccelli, M Kotlyar, ...

Database 2020

Complex Portal 2018: extended content and enhanced visualization tools for macromolecular complexes

BHM Meldal, H Bye-A-Jee, L Gajdoš, Z Hammerová, A Horáčková, ...

Nucleic acids research 47 (D1), D550-D558

Capturing variation impact on molecular interactions in the IMEx Consortium mutations data set

N Del-Toro, M Duesbury, M Koch, L Perfetto, A Shrivastava, D Ochoa, ...

Nature communications 10 (1), 1-14

Publisher Correction: Capturing variation impact on molecular interactions in the IMEx Consortium mutations data set (Nature Communications,(2019), 10, 1,(10), 10.1038/s41467 …

J Khadake, BHM Meldal, S Panni, D Thorneycroft, K Van Roey, S Abbani, ...

Nature Communications 10 (1), 1098

Integration of macromolecular complex data into the Saccharomyces Genome Database

ED Wong, MS Skrzypek, S Weng, G Binkley, BHM Meldal, L Perfetto, ...

Database 2019

JAMI: a Java library for molecular interactions and data interoperability

M Koch, A Shrivastava, D Alonso-López, J De Las Rivas, N Del-Toro, ...

BMC bioinformatics 19 (1), 1-9

Encompassing new use cases-level 3.0 of the HUPO-PSI format for molecular interactions

D Alonso-López, M Ammari, G Bradley, NH Campbell, A Ceol, G Cesareni, ...

BMC bioinformatics 19 (1), 1-8

Improving the Gene Ontology resource to facilitate more informative analysis and interpretation of Alzheimer’s disease data

B Kramarz, P Roncaglia, BHM Meldal, RP Huntley, MJ Martin, S Orchard, ...

Genes 9 (12), 593

Biocuration: distilling data into knowledge

International Society for Biocuration

PLoS Biology 16 (4), e2002846

Searching and extracting data from the EMBL-EBI complex portal

BHM Meldal, S Orchard

Protein complex assembly, 377-390

ComplexViewer: visualization of curated macromolecular complexes

CW Combe, M Sivade, H Hermjakob, J Heimbach, BHM Meldal, ...

Bioinformatics 33 (22), 3673-3675

Expansion of the Gene Ontology knowledgebase and resources

S Carbon, J Chan, R Kishore, R Lee, HM Muller, D Raciti, K Van Auken, ...

Nucleic acids research 45 (D1), D331-D338


Teaching and Supervisions




  • Network Analysis with Cytoscape - Trainer


  • Interactions & Pathways - Trainer


  • Interactions & Pathways - IntAct & Complex Portal - Trainer


  • Interactions & Pathways - IntAct - Trainer
Birgit Meldal

Contact Details

Eagle Genomics
The Biodata Innovation Centre
Wellcome Genome Campus
CB10 1DR