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Research Informatics Training


Mathematical Epidemiologist with a background in both plant and animal systems. Initially working with crop growth and disease models then diversifying into animal systems. Developed and led a programme of modelling work to investigate the dynamics of livestock disease and efficacy of control policies in the UK with a particular focus on understanding the impact of animal movement on spatial spread of farm animal diseases. Supervised PhD, MSc and undergraduate projects. Contributed to international disease modelling programmes on transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) through an EU collaborations and work with Massey University, New Zealand. Extensive experience in using mathematical modelling applications for mitigating threat to tree biosecurity with collaborators in the UK and North America, exploring dynamics and predicting distribution ranges of invasive tree pests and pathogens. 


I graduated with a degree in pure Mathematics from the University of York (1992). This was followed by an MSc in Mathematical Biology from the University of Dundee (1993) led by Professor Brian Sleeman. In1997 I completed a PhD at the Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge, modelling crop growth and disease dynamics under the supervision of Professor Christ Gilligan and Dr Rik Werker. I then worked at VLA- Weybridge where I developed models to investigate the dynamics of scrapie and the likely efficacy of control policies. In 2000 I returned to Cambridge where I took up a postdoctoral position in the Department of Veterinary Medicine modelling farm animal diseases. I currently lecture on the part 1A Mathematical Biology course at the University of Cambridge and on the Wellcome Trust ‘Mathematical Models for Infectious Disease Dynamics’ course.


My current research focuses on developing models to support strategies for the control of a range of tree pests and pathogens currently threatening the UK landscape. Most recently I have worked on models for Ips typographus, Emerald Ash Borer, Oak Processionary Moth and Sweet Chestnut Blight.


Teaching and Supervisions




  • An Introduction to MATLAB for biologists - Training Lead, Trainer


  • An Introduction to MATLAB for biologists - Training Lead, Trainer


  • An Introduction to MATLAB for biologists - Training Lead, Trainer


  • An Introduction to MATLAB for biologists - Training Lead, Trainer


  • An Introduction to MATLAB for biologists - Training Lead, Trainer


  • An Introduction to MATLAB for biologists - Training Lead, Trainer


  • An Introduction to MATLAB for biologists - Training Lead, Trainer

For teaching and supervisions outside the Bioinformatics Training Facility, please find more detail here

Cerian Webb

Contact Details

Email address: 
Department of Plant Sciences
Downing Site