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Research Informatics Training

Read more at: Lena Dorfschmidt

Lena Dorfschmidt

Gates Cambridge Scholar and PhD Student

I am interested in the principles of whole-brain network organization in health and disease. I work on resting state MRI data in order to model trajectories of adolescent cortical development and identify disruptions in functional connectomics during psychiatric disorders, in particular in mood disorders.

Read more at: Cerian Webb, PhD

Cerian Webb, PhD

Mathematical Epidemiologist with a background in both plant and animal systems. Initially working with crop growth and disease models then diversifying into animal systems. Developed and led a programme of modelling work to investigate the dynamics of livestock disease and efficacy of control policies in the UK with a particular focus on understanding the impact of animal movement on spatial spread of farm animal diseases. Supervised PhD, MSc and undergraduate projects.

Read more at: Vicki Hodgson, PhD

Vicki Hodgson, PhD

Biostatistics Teaching Associate


Job Role

Vicki will be working with Martin on the biostatistics curriculum and assist Paul in providing IT support.



Monday to Friday, office hours.

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