Senior Software Engineer
The reactome pathway knowledgebase 2022.
Gillespie M, Jassal B, Stephan R, Milacic M, Rothfels K, Senff-Ribeiro A, Griss J, Sevilla C, Matthews L, Gong C, Deng C, Varusai T, Ragueneau E, Haider Y, May B, Shamovsky V, Weiser J, Brunson T, Sanati N, Beckman L, Shao X, Fabregat A, Sidiropoulos K, Murillo J, Viteri G, Cook J, Shorser S, Bader G, Demir E, Sander C, Haw R, Wu G, Stein L, Hermjakob H, D'Eustachio P.
Nucleic Acids Res, 2022
The IntAct database: efficient access to fine-grained molecular interaction data.
Del Toro N, Shrivastava A, Ragueneau E, Meldal B, Combe C, Barrera E, Perfetto L, How K, Ratan P, Shirodkar G, Lu O, Mészáros B, Watkins X, Pundir S, Licata L, Iannuccelli M, Pellegrini M, Martin MJ, Panni S, Duesbury M, Vallet SD, Rappsilber J, Ricard-Blum S, Cesareni G, Salwinski L, Orchard S, Porras P, Panneerselvam K, Hermjakob H.
Nucleic Acids Res, 2022
IntAct App: a Cytoscape application for molecular interaction network visualization and analysis
Eliot Ragueneau, Anjali Shrivastava, John H Morris, Noemi del-Toro, Henning Hermjakob, Pablo Porras
Bioinformatics, Volume 37, Issue 20, October 2021, Pages 3684–3685
Teaching and Supervisions
- Network Analysis with Cytoscape - Trainer
- Network Analysis with Cytoscape - Trainer
- Network Analysis with Cytoscape - Trainer