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Research Informatics Training


Elves Duarte is a biologist turned bioinformatician. In recent years, he retired from the molecular biology lab to focus exclusively on developing workflows to manage and analyse sequencing data to support clinicians and cancer patients.

Elves dream of using research and new technologies as an engine for development, particularly in Africa, where research is still in its infancy.



Key publications: 

1. Lopez-Madrigal S & Duarte EH. Titer regulation in arthropod-Wolbachia symbioses. FEMS Microbiol. Letters, 366(23):fnz232, 2019.

2. Correia W, Varela I, Spencer H, Alves J, Duarte EH. Characterization of mosquito breeding sites in the Cape Verde islands with emphasis on major vectors. Int. J. Mosq. Res., v 2 (3):192-199, 2015.

3. Djenontin A, Alou LPA, Koffi A, Zogo B, Duarte E, NGuessan R, Moiroux N, Pennetier C. Insecticidal and sterilizing effect of Olyset Duo, a permethrin and pyriproxyfen mixture net against pyrethroid-susceptible and-resistant strains of Anopheles gambiae ss: a release-recapture assay in experimental huts. Parasite, v 22: 27-35, 2015.

Teaching and Supervisions




  • Introduction to R - Trainer
Elves Duarte

Contact Details

Email address: 
Department of Genetics
University of Cambridge
Downing Street