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Research Informatics Training


Kasia is a Experimental Biologist responsible for genomics workflows within Cosyne Therapeutics team in Cambridge. Kasia holds a MSc in biotechnology from the University of Agriculture in Krakow (Poland) and has a decade of experience in molecular biology in both academia and industry. Prior to Cosyne, Kasia worked in CRUK CI Genomics Core Facility. She was managing single cell sequencing service for the University of Cambridge and the Cambridge Biomedical Campus where she developed her expertise in implementing new scRNAseq technologies. Kasia is driven by scientific geekiness, thrives in a the continuously changing field of multiomics and devotes her avidity for learning to make a greater impact on her team.

Teaching and Supervisions




  • Single-cell RNA-seq analysis - Training Lead


  • Analysis of Single-cell RNA-seq Data - Training Lead


  • Analysis of Single-cell RNA-seq Data - Training Lead


  • Analysis of Single-cell RNA-seq Data - Training Lead
Kasia Kania

Contact Details

Email address: 
Cosyne Therapeutics
c/o Milner Therapeutics Institute
Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre
Puddicombe Way
Cambridge Biomedical Campus