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Research Informatics Training


Scientist in Molecular Evolution at European Bioinformatics Institute


Key publications: 


SWAMPy: Simulating SARS-CoV-2 Wastewater Amplicon Metagenomes with Python

Boulton W, Fidan FR, De Maio N, Goldman N.



VGsim: Scalable viral genealogy simulator for global pandemic.

Shchur V, Spirin V, Sirotkin D, Burovski E, De Maio N, Corbett-Detig R.

PLoS Comput Biol, 2022


Impact and mitigation of sampling bias to determine viral spread: evaluating discrete phylogeography through CTMC modeling and structured coalescent model approximations

Layan M, Müller NF, Dellicour S, De Maio N, Bourhy H, Cauchemez S, Baele G.



phastSim: Efficient simulation of sequence evolution for pandemic-scale datasets.

De Maio N, Boulton W, Weilguny L, Walker CR, Turakhia Y, Corbett-Detig R, Goldman N.

PLoS Comput Biol, 2022


Accounting for spatial sampling patterns in Bayesian phylogeography.

Guindon S, De Maio N.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2021


Online Phylogenetics using Parsimony Produces Slightly Better Trees and is Dramatically More Efficient for Large SARS-CoV-2 Phylogenies than <i>de novo</i> and Maximum-Likelihood Approaches

Thornlow B, Kramer A, Ye C, De Maio N, McBroome J, Hinrichs AS, Lanfear R, Turakhia Y, Corbett-Detig R.



Genomic reconstruction of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in England.

Vöhringer HS, Sanderson T, Sinnott M, De Maio N, Nguyen T, Goater R, Schwach F, Harrison I, Hellewell J, Ariani CV, Gonçalves S, Jackson DK, Johnston I, Jung AW, Saint C, Sillitoe J, Suciu M, Goldman N, Panovska-Griffiths J, Wellcome Sanger Institute COVID-19 Surveillance Team, COVID-19 Genomics UK (COG-UK) Consortium*, Birney E, Volz E, Funk S, Kwiatkowski D, Chand M, Martincorena I, Barrett JC, Gerstung M.

Nature, 2021


Using host genetics to infer the global spread and evolutionary history of HCV subtype 3a.

Lin SK, De Maio N, Pedergnana V, Wu CH, Thézé J, Wilson DJ, Barnes E, Ansari MA.

Virus Evol, 2021


A Daily-Updated Database and Tools for Comprehensive SARS-CoV-2 Mutation-Annotated Trees.

McBroome J, Thornlow B, Hinrichs AS, Kramer A, De Maio N, Goldman N, Haussler D, Corbett-Detig R, Turakhia Y.

Mol Biol Evol, 2021


Pandemic-Scale Phylogenomics Reveals Elevated Recombination Rates in the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Region

Turkahia Y, Thornlow B, Hinrichs A, McBroome J, Ayala N, Ye C, De Maio N, Haussler D, Lanfear R, Corbett-Detig R.



Genetic Variability of the SARS-CoV-2 Pocketome.

Yazdani S, De Maio N, Ding Y, Shahani V, Goldman N, Schapira M.

J Proteome Res, 2021


A phylogenetic approach for weighting genetic sequences.

De Maio N, Alekseyenko AV, Coleman-Smith WJ, Pardi F, Suchard MA, Tamuri AU, Truszkowski J, Goldman N.

BMC Bioinformatics, 2021


Genomic reconstruction of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in England

Vöhringer HS, Sanderson T, Sinnott M, Maio ND, Nguyen T, Goater R, Schwach F, Harrison I, Hellewell J, Ariani C, Gonçalves S, Jackson D, Johnston I, Jung AW, Saint C, Sillitoe J, Suciu M, Goldman N, Panovska-Griffiths J, Birney E, Volz E, Funk S, Kwiatkowski D, Chand M, Martincorena I, Barrett JC, Gerstung M, The Wellcome Sanger Institute Covid-19 Surveillance Team, The COVID-19 Genomics UK (COG-UK) Consortium.



Ultrafast Sample placement on Existing tRees (UShER) enables real-time phylogenetics for the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

Turakhia Y, Thornlow B, Hinrichs AS, De Maio N, Gozashti L, Lanfear R, Haussler D, Corbett-Detig R.

Nat Genet, 2021


Mutation Rates and Selection on Synonymous Mutations in SARS-CoV-2.

De Maio N, Walker CR, Turakhia Y, Lanfear R, Corbett-Detig R, Goldman N.

Genome Biol Evol, 2021


The SARS-CoV-2 replication-transcription complex is a priority target for broad-spectrum pan-coronavirus drugs

Yazdani S, De Maio N, Ding Y, Shahani V, Goldman N, Schapira M.



phastSim: efficient simulation of sequence evolution for pandemic-scale datasets

De Maio N, Boulton W, Weilguny L, Walker CR, Turakhia Y, Corbett-Detig R, Goldman N.



Short-range template switching in great ape genomes explored using pair hidden Markov models.

Walker CR, Scally A, De Maio N, Goldman N.

PLoS Genet, 2021


Want to track pandemic variants faster? Fix the bioinformatics bottleneck.

Hodcroft EB, De Maio N, Lanfear R, MacCannell DR, Minh BQ, Schmidt HA, Stamatakis A, Goldman N, Dessimoz C.

Nature, 2021


Global spread and evolutionary history of HCV subtype 3a

lin S, De Maio N, Pedergnana V, Wu C, Thézé J, Barnes E, Ansari MA.



Mutation rates and selection on synonymous mutations in SARS-CoV-2

De Maio N, Walker CR, Turakhia Y, Lanfear R, Corbett-Detig R, Goldman N.



Sampling bias and model choice in continuous phylogeography: Getting lost on a random walk.

Kalkauskas A, Perron U, Sun Y, Goldman N, Baele G, Guindon S, De Maio N.

PLoS Comput Biol, 2021


A Phylodynamic Workflow to Rapidly Gain Insights into the Dispersal History and Dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 Lineages.

Dellicour S, Durkin K, Hong SL, Vanmechelen B, Martí-Carreras J, Gill MS, Meex C, Bontems S, André E, Gilbert M, Walker C, Maio N, Faria NR, Hadfield J, Hayette MP, Bours V, Wawina-Bokalanga T, Artesi M, Baele G, Maes P.

Mol Biol Evol, 2021


The Cumulative Indel Model: Fast and Accurate Statistical Evolutionary Alignment.

De Maio N.

Syst Biol, 2021


Masking strategies for SARS-CoV-2 alignments

De Maio N, Walker C, Borges R, Weilguny L, Slodkowicz G, Goldman N.



Issues with SARS-CoV-2 sequencing data

De Maio N, Walker C, Borges R, Weilguny L, Slodkowicz G, Goldman N.



Phylogenetic Novelty Scores: a New Approach for Weighting Genetic Sequences

De Maio N, Alekseyenko AV, Coleman-Smith WJ, Pardi F, Suchard MA, Tamuri AU, Truszkowski J, Goldman N.



Stability of SARS-CoV-2 phylogenies.

Turakhia Y, De Maio N, Thornlow B, Gozashti L, Lanfear R, Walker CR, Hinrichs AS, Fernandes JD, Borges R, Slodkowicz G, Weilguny L, Haussler D, Goldman N, Corbett-Detig R.

PLoS Genet, 2020


Short-range template switching in great ape genomes explored using a pair hidden Markov model

Walker CR, Scally A, De Maio N, Goldman N.



Repeated global migrations on different plant hosts by the tropical pathogen<i>Phytophthora palmivora</i>

Wang J, Coffey MD, De Maio N, Goss EM.



A phylodynamic workflow to rapidly gain insights into the dispersal history and dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 lineages

Dellicour S, Durkin K, Hong SL, Vanmechelen B, Martí-Carreras J, Gill MS, Meex C, Bontems S, André E, Gilbert M, Walker C, De Maio N, Faria NR, Hadfield J, Hayette M, Bours V, Wawina-Bokalanga T, Artesi M, Baele G, Maes P.



Sampling bias and model choice in continuous phylogeography: getting lost on a random walk

Kalkauskas A, Perron U, Sun Y, Goldman N, Baele G, Guindon S, De Maio N.



Dynamic, adaptive sampling during nanopore sequencing using Bayesian experimental design

Weilguny L, De Maio N, Munro R, Manser C, Birney E, Loose M, Goldman N.



Genomic diversity affects the accuracy of bacterial single-nucleotide polymorphism-calling pipelines.

Bush SJ, Foster D, Eyre DW, Clark EL, De Maio N, Shaw LP, Stoesser N, Peto TEA, Crook DW, Walker AS.

Gigascience, 2020


The impact of sequencing depth on the inferred taxonomic composition and AMR gene content of metagenomic samples.

Gweon HS, Shaw LP, Swann J, De Maio N, AbuOun M, Niehus R, Hubbard ATM, Bowes MJ, Bailey MJ, Peto TEA, Hoosdally SJ, Walker AS, Sebra RP, Crook DW, Anjum MF, Read DS, Stoesser N, REHAB consortium.

Environ Microbiome, 2019


Teaching and Supervisions




  • Foundations of phylogenetic inference - Training Lead, Trainer


  • Introduction to Phylogenetics - Training Lead, Trainer
  • Working with Bacterial Genomes - Trainer


  • Introduction to Phylogenetics - Training Lead, Trainer


  • Molecular Phylogenetics - Training Lead, Trainer


  • Molecular Phylogenetics - Training Lead, Trainer


  • Molecular Phylogenetics - Trainer
Nicola De Maio

Contact Details

Email address: 
European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI)
Wellcome Genome Campus
CB10 1SD