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Research Informatics Training

Read more at: Yuki Ye

Yuki Ye

PhD Student, Department of Clinical Neurosciences

Read more at: Olaf Kranse

Olaf Kranse

I’m a PhD student working in Sebastian Eves-van den Akker's group working on plant parasitic nematodes. 

Largely our understanding of nematode parasitism is held back by the lack of tools to study them (both molecular and high throughput). 

Read more at: Nathanael Walker-Hale

Nathanael Walker-Hale

Nathanael is interested in evolutionary novelty, particularly in complex biochemical traits. He investigates the contribution of various sources of variation, especially gene duplication, to evolutionary innovations, using phylogenetics, comparative genomics and gene expression analysis. He is particularly interested in synthesising systems biology and co-expression network techniques to understand how complex traits evolve. He is also interested in core phylogenetic theory, including gene tree conflict, phylogenetic information content, and non-homogeneous evolutionary models. 

Read more at: Erta Beqiri

Erta Beqiri

Erta is a Medical Doctor, specialised in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care in 2020 at the University of Milan. She is currently pursuing a PhD in the Brain Physics Lab at the University of Cambridge. She is interested in physiology and pathophysiology of Cerebral Autoregulation in traumatic brain injury and in particular in analytical and methodological aspects of monitoring Cerebral Autoregulation

Read more at: Emer Jones

Emer Jones

Emer is a PhD student at the Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, where she uses machine learning models as a framework to understand human vision.

Read more at: Martin van Rongen, PhD

Martin van Rongen, PhD

Biostatistics Initiative Lead


Job Role

Martin is responsible for the development, delivery and coordination of the biostatistics curriculum.



Monday to Friday, office hours.

Read more at: Alexia Cardona, PhD

Alexia Cardona, PhD

Data Science and Data Management Training Programme Lead


Job Role

At the Centre for Research Informatics Training Alexia is in charge of the development and delivery of bioinformatics training courses at the University of Cambridge whilst establishing a network of training experts across the UK.   



Monday to Friday, office hours.

Read more at: Matt Castle, PhD

Matt Castle, PhD

Head of Centre for Research Informatics Training


Job Role

Matt took over the running of the Centre for Research Informatics Training in 2020 and oversees all aspects of the centre's programme, working with the rest of the team to drive innovation and continually improve the quality of bioinformatics, data science and biostatistics training for researchers within Cambridge and more broadly. 



Monday to Friday, office hours.