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Research Informatics Training

Read more at: Sandra Cortijo, PhD

Sandra Cortijo, PhD


UMR5004 IPSiM (Institut for Plant Sciences of Montpellier)
Montpellier, France

Read more at: Adrian Baez-Ortega, PhD

Adrian Baez-Ortega, PhD

Adrian is a postdoctoral researcher at the Wellcome Sanger Institute, where he works with group leaders Iñigo Martincorena and Peter Campbell to investigate the biological processes that shape the evolution of cells in healthy and diseased tissues.

Read more at: Anna Brestovitsky

Anna Brestovitsky

Senior Bioinformatician at Tropic Biosciences

I am a versatile scientist with more than five years of experience working with large-scale genomic data starting from NGS data generation, processing of raw reads to data analysis and data visualisation. I have deep domain knowledge in plant science, cancer, epigenetics, virology. Trained as a pharmacist, I also have deep understanding of human physiology, pathology and drug discovery processes.

Read more at: Jing Su, PhD

Jing Su, PhD

Senior Staff Scientist, Sanger Institute

Read more at: Matthew Eldridge, PhD

Matthew Eldridge, PhD

Head of Computational Biology, CRUK

Matt joined the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute (CRUK CI) in December 2007 as Head of the Bioinformatics Core to provide support to research scientists in data processing, statistics, software development and training.

Read more at: Abigail Edwards, PhD

Abigail Edwards, PhD

Abbi has had an interesting and somewhat varied path to bioinformatics. Starting out as a biochemist, moving through various subjects until she eventually got sick of pipetting and decided sitting behind a computer was more her speed.