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Research Informatics Training



UMR5004 IPSiM (Institut for Plant Sciences of Montpellier)
Montpellier, France


Key publications: 
Warm Temperature Promotes Shoot Regeneration in Arabidopsis thaliana
A Lambolez, A Kawamura, T Takahashi, B Rymen, A Iwase, DS Favero, ...
Plant and Cell Physiology 63 (5), 618-634
Multi-Disciplinary Approaches to Plant Responses to Climate Change
V Charoensawan, S Cortijo, M Domijan, S Negrão
Frontiers in Plant Science 13
Tunable phenotypic variability through an autoregulatory alternative sigma factor circuit
CP Schwall, TE Loman, BMC Martins, S Cortijo, C Villava, V Kusmartsev, ...
Molecular Systems Biology 17 (7), e9832
Fine tuning of hormonal signaling is linked to dormancy status in sweet cherry flower buds
N Vimont, A Schwarzenberg, M Domijan, ASL Donkpegan, R Beauvieux, ...
Tree Physiology 41 (4), 544-561
Molecular mechanism of cytokinin-activated cell division in Arabidopsis
R Wightman, W Yang, S Cortijo, N Korsbo, H Jonsson, P Roszak, ...
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
Molecular mechanism of cytokinin-activated cell division in Arabidopsis
W Yang, S Cortijo, N Korsbo, P Roszak, K Schiessl, A Gurzadyan, ...
Science 371 (6536), 1350-1355
Co-expression networks from gene expression variability between genetically identical seedlings can reveal novel regulatory relationships
S Cortijo, M Bhattarai, JCW Locke, SE Ahnert
Frontiers in plant science 11, 599464
Transcriptomic profiles highlight the role of ABA signalling in the regulation of sweet cherry flower bud dormancy
N Vimont, M Fouché, JA Campoy, A Schwarzenberg, M Domijan, ...
10th International Rosaceae Genomics Conference (RGC 10)
Does gene expression noise play a functional role in plants?
S Cortijo, JCW Locke
Trends in plant science 25 (10), 1041-1051
ChIP-seq and RNA-seq for complex and low-abundance tree buds reveal chromatin and expression co-dynamics during sweet cherry bud dormancy
N Vimont, FX Quah, DG Schöepfer, F Roudier, E Dirlewanger, PA Wigge, ...
Tree Genetics & Genomes 16, 1-18
The evening complex establishes repressive chromatin domains via H2A. Z deposition
M Tong, K Lee, D Ezer, S Cortijo, J Jung, V Charoensawan, MS Box, ...
Plant physiology 182 (1), 612-625
From bud formation to flowering: transcriptomic state defines the cherry developmental phases of sweet cherry bud dormancy
N Vimont, M Fouché, JA Campoy, M Tong, M Arkoun, JC Yvin, PA Wigge, ...
BMC genomics 20, 1-23
DEK influences the trade-off between growth and arrest via H2A. Z-nucleosomes in Arabidopsis
A Brestovitsky, D Ezer, S Waidmann, SL Maslen, M Balcerowicz, S Cortijo, ...
Biorxiv, 829226
Transcriptomic profiles accurately predict the dormancy stages in sweet cherry flower buds
B Wenden, N Vimont, M Fouche, JA Campoy, M Tong, M Arkoun, JC Yvin, ...
Widespread inter‐individual gene expression variability in Arabidopsis thaliana
S Cortijo, Z Aydin, S Ahnert, JCW Locke
Molecular systems biology 15 (1), e8591
EpiRILs: lessons from Arabidopsis
M Catoni, S Cortijo
Advances in botanical research 88, 87-116
Hormonal balance finely tunes dormancy status in sweet cherry flower buds
N Vimont, A Schwarzenberg, M Domijan, R Beauvieux, M Arkoun, JC Yvin, ...
BioRxiv 423871
Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Sequencing (ChIP-Seq) for Transcription Factors and Chromatin Factors in Arabidopsis thaliana Roots: From Material Collection to …
S Cortijo, V Charoensawan, F Roudier, PA Wigge
Root Development: Methods and Protocols, 231-248
Transcriptional regulation of the ambient temperature response by H2A. Z nucleosomes and HSF1 transcription factors in Arabidopsis
S Cortijo, V Charoensawan, A Brestovitsky, R Buning, C Ravarani, ...
Molecular plant 10 (10), 1258-1273
The G-box transcriptional regulatory code in Arabidopsis
D Ezer, SJK Shepherd, A Brestovitsky, P Dickinson, S Cortijo, ...
Plant physiology 175 (2), 628-640

Teaching and Supervisions




  • ChIP-seq and ATAC-seq analysis - Trainer


  • ChIP-seq and ATAC-seq analysis - Trainer
  • Bioinformatics for Biologists: An introduction to Data Exploration, Statistics and Reproducibility - Trainer


  • Advanced ChIP-seq data analysis - Trainer
  • Basic statistics and data handling - Trainer
  • Data Analysis and Visualisation in R - Trainer
  • Data Carpentry in R - Trainer
  • Data Manipulation and Visualisation in R - Trainer
  • Bioinformatics for Biologists: An introduction to Data Exploration, Statistics and Reproducibility - Trainer
  • Introduction to RNA-seq and ChIP-seq data analysis - Trainer


  • An Introduction to Solving Biological Problems with R - Trainer
  • Basic statistics and data handling - Trainer
  • Introduction to RNA-seq and ChIP-seq data analysis - Trainer
  • Introduction to high-throughput sequencing data analysis - Trainer
Sandra Cortijo

Contact Details

Email address: 
CNRS Institut des Sciences des Plantes de Montpellier -- IPSiM
Campus INRA / SupAgro
2 Place Pierre Viala - Bât 7
34060 Montpellier Cedex 02