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Bioinformatics Training

Read more at: Rory Stark, PhD

Rory Stark, PhD

Principal Scientist, Computational Biology

For the past two decades, I have been engaged in addressing challenging computational problems in artificial intelligence and computational biology, particularly in cancer research. My research interests are at the intersection of cancer, functional genomics, and artificial intelligence, facilitated by the development of freely available software tools.

Read more at: Jing Su, PhD

Jing Su, PhD

Senior Staff Scientist, Sanger Institute

Read more at: Ekim Luo

Ekim Luo

PhD candidate in Experimental Psychology (Biological Sciences)

Read more at: Stephane Ballereau, PhD

Stephane Ballereau, PhD

Principal Bioinformatician

Stephane is a Principal Bioinformatician in cellular genetics. He oversees analyses of the Haniffa group.

Using computational methods for analysis of single cell omics and spatial data, he investigates the development and functional maturation of the human cell types in the whole embryo or specific organs such as the skin.

Read more at: Kamal Kishore, PhD

Kamal Kishore, PhD

Senior Bioinformatics Analyst

Kamal joined Bioinformatics core at CRUK CI in 2016. His main activities involves analysis of heterogenous genomics and proteomics data. He work in close collaboration with biologists to analytically answer challenging biological questions. The development of robust software solutions with contributions to Bioconductor project forms an integral part of the work.

Read more at: Chandra Chilamakuri

Chandra Chilamakuri

Bioinformatics Analyst

Read more at: Ashley Sawle

Ashley Sawle

Principal Bioinformatics Analyst at Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute

Read more at: Abigail Edwards, PhD

Abigail Edwards, PhD

Abbi has had an interesting and somewhat varied path to bioinformatics. Starting out as a biochemist, moving through various subjects until she eventually got sick of pipetting and decided sitting behind a computer was more her speed.

Read more at: Mark Fernandes

Mark Fernandes


Mark works with Alexia, initially on supporting material development for the undergraduate NST IB Mathematical and Computational Biology Course before moving on to support the delivery and development of existing portfolio of courses.



Read more at: Martin van Rongen, PhD

Martin van Rongen, PhD

Biostatistics Initiative Lead


Job Role

Martin is responsible for the development, delivery and coordination of the biostatistics curriculum.



Monday to Friday, office hours.