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Research Informatics Training


Sergio is an associate director in hit discovery bioinformatics at AstraZeneca R&D leading a group developing computational approaches for target identification and new therapeutics discovery. He builds from his early training in medicinal chemistry and biochemistry followed with a PhD and postdoc in bioinformatics and cheminformatics and develops projects in collaboration with laboratory colleagues and clinical scientists. Sergio contributes as an editor of the emerging journal Frontiers in Bioinformatics, supports the growth of the European life science data infrastructure ELIXIR and is passionate about bioinformatics training as well. Beyond research, he enjoys  team sports and entrepreneurship in the life sciences.



  • University of Cambridge

    • Visiting Lecturer in Bioinformatics

        • - Delivering yearly lectures as part of the Undergraduate NST Part II BBS Bioinformatics minor
          - Developing and delivering courses in bioinformatics, machine learning and programming for life science researchers, students and staff organised by the University of Cambridge Bioinformatics Training Unit ( Delivering yearly lectures as part of the Undergraduate NST Part II BBS Bioinformatics minor - Developing and delivering courses in bioinformatics, machine learning and programming for life science researchers, students and staff organised by the University of Cambridge Bioinformatics Training Unit 

    • Research Associate in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

      2015 - 2020 Prof. Sir Shankar Balasubramanian laboratories, Cambridge, United Kingdom

        • - Led the bioinformatics team developing computational approaches to study epigenetic changes in DNA damage and understanding how they affect cancer biology in humans in collaboration with experimental chemists and biologists

          - Invented and patented a new method for mapping epigenetics modifications in DNA as well as developed experience in WGS, RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, CLIP-seq and chemical and antibody enrichment strategies, as well as BS-seq, shRNA and CRISPR genome-wide screens, and single-cell sequencing for target prioritisation.

          - Co-authored multiple publications in Nature journals ( and a patent in new high-throughput sequencing methods

          - Presented results at international conferences in genomics and bioinformatics in the US, UK and Benelux.

          - Co-supervised PhD students and postdoctoral researchers.

          - Managed the computational and data management infrastructure of the research group in collaboration with IT: a computing cluster, two group servers and a data archive.

          - Created a framework to version control research code produced in the group using git and GitHub (

          - Delivered multiple training courses in bioinformatics, genomics, programming, and data analysis and management- Led the bioinformatics team developing computational approaches to study epigenetic changes in DNA damage and understanding how they affect cancer biology in humans in collaboration with experimental chemists and biologists - Invented and patented a new method for mapping epigenetics modifications in DNA as well as developed experience in WGS, RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, CLIP-seq and chemical and antibody enrichment strategies, as well as BS-seq, shRNA and CRISPR genome-wide screens, and single-cell sequencing for target prioritisation. - Co-authored multiple publications in Nature journals ( and a patent in new high-throughput sequencing methods - Presented results at international conferences in genomics and bioinformatics in the US, UK and Benelux. - Co-supervised PhD students and postdoctoral researchers. - Managed the computational and data management infrastructure of the research group in collaboration with IT: a computing cluster, two group servers and a data archive. - Created a framework to version control research code produced in the group using git and GitHub (

  • Review Editor

    Frontiers Jul 2020 - Present · 

  • Research Associate in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

    Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute 2015 - 2020 · Prof. Sir Shankar Balasubramanian laboratories, Cambridge Biomedical Campus

      • - Led the bioinformatics team developing computational approaches to study epigenetic changes in DNA damage and understanding how they affect cancer biology in humans in collaboration with experimental chemists and biologists

        - Invented and patented a new method for mapping epigenetics modifications in DNA as well as developed experience in WGS, RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, CLIP-seq and chemical and antibody enrichment strategies, as well as BS-seq, shRNA and CRISPR genome-wide screens, and single-cell sequencing for target prioritisation.

        - Co-authored multiple publications in Nature journals ( and a patent in new high-throughput sequencing methods

        - Presented results at international conferences in genomics and bioinformatics in the US, UK and Benelux.

        - Co-supervised PhD students and postdoctoral researchers.

        - Managed the computational and data management infrastructure of the research group in collaboration with IT: a computing cluster, two group servers and a data archive.

        - Created a framework to version control research code produced in the group using git and GitHub (

        - Delivered multiple training courses in bioinformatics, genomics, programming, and data analysis and management- Led the bioinformatics team developing computational approaches to study epigenetic changes in DNA damage and understanding how they affect cancer biology in humans in collaboration with experimental chemists and biologists - Invented and patented a new method for mapping epigenetics modifications in DNA as well as developed experience in WGS, RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, CLIP-seq and chemical and antibody enrichment strategies, as well as BS-seq, shRNA and CRISPR genome-wide screens, and single-cell sequencing for target prioritisation. - Co-authored multiple publications in Nature journals ( and a patent in new high-throughput sequencing methods - Presented results at international conferences in genomics and bioinformatics in the US, UK and Benelux. - Co-supervised PhD students and postdoctoral researchers. - Managed the computational and data management infrastructure of the research group in collaboration with IT: a computing cluster, two group servers and a data archive. - Created a framework to version control research code produced in the group using git and GitHub ( - Delivered multiple training courses in bioinformatics, genomics, programming, and data analysis and management

  • European Bioinformatics Institute | EMBL-EBI

    Prof. Dame Janet Thornton group, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus


  • Universidad de Granada

    Master of Science - MS, Chemistry 2005 - 2010

    • Activities and societies: International Relations with University of California

      • - Gained broad knowledge in all areas of Chemistry (Organic, Inorganic, Analytical, Biological, Physical and Theoretical)
        - Final year research project: Computational approaches to model the dynamics of proteins (José Cristóbal Martínez Herrerías group)
        - Developed international experience during internships abroad
        - Award to best MSc Chemistry student 2005-2010


Key publications: 

Genome surveillance by HUSH-mediated silencing of intronless mobile elements

M Seczynska, S Bloor, SM Cuesta, PJ Lehner

Nature 601 (7893), 440-445

G-quadruplexes are transcription factor binding hubs in human chromatin

J Spiegel, SM Cuesta, S Adhikari, R Hänsel-Hertsch, D Tannahill, ...

Genome biology 22 (1), 1-15

RNA G-quadruplex structures control ribosomal protein production

D Varshney, SM Cuesta, B Herdy, UB Abdullah, D Tannahill, ...

Scientific reports 11 (1), 1-11

ELIXIR and Toxicology: a community in development

M Martens, R Stierum, EL Schymanski, CT Evelo, R Aalizadeh, H Aladjov, ...

F1000Research 10 (1129), 1129

Chemical profiling of DNA G-quadruplex-interacting proteins in live cells

X Zhang, J Spiegel, S Martínez Cuesta, S Adhikari, S Balasubramanian

Nature chemistry 13 (7), 626-633

The SMC5/6 complex compacts and silences unintegrated HIV-1 DNA and is antagonized by Vpr

L Dupont, S Bloor, JC Williamson, SM Cuesta, R Shah, A Teixeira-Silva, ...

Cell host & microbe 29 (5), 792-805. e6

A Fresh Look at FAIR for Research Software

FS Daniel S. Katz, Morane Gruenpeter, Tom Honeyman, Lorraine Hwang, Mark D ...


Genome-wide DNA methylation signatures are determined by DNMT3A/B sequence preferences

SQ Mao, SM Cuesta, D Tannahill, S Balasubramanian

Biochemistry 59 (27), 2541-2550

Genetic interactions of G-quadruplexes in humans

KG Zyner, DS Mulhearn, S Adhikari, SM Cuesta, M Di Antonio, N Erard, ...

Elife 8, e46793

Sequencing abasic sites in DNA at single-nucleotide resolution

ZJ Liu, S Martínez Cuesta, P van Delft, S Balasubramanian

Nature chemistry 11 (7), 629-637

5-Formylcytosine organizes nucleosomes and forms Schiff base interactions with histones in mouse embryonic stem cells

EA Raiber, G Portella, S Martínez Cuesta, R Hardisty, P Murat, Z Li, ...

Nature chemistry 10 (12), 1258-1266

DNA G-quadruplex structures mold the DNA methylome

SQ Mao, AT Ghanbarian, J Spiegel, S Martínez Cuesta, D Beraldi, ...

Nature structural & molecular biology 25 (10), 951-957

Sequencing 5‐Hydroxymethyluracil at Single‐Base Resolution

F Kawasaki, S Martínez Cuesta, D Beraldi, A Mahtey, RE Hardisty, ...

Angewandte Chemie International Edition 57 (31), 9694-9696


EA Raiber, D Beraldi, SM Cuesta, G McInroy, Z Kingsbury, J Becq, ...

Neuro-Oncology 19 (Suppl 6), vi102

Evolution of enzyme specificity

J Thornton, J Tyzack, A Ribeiro, G Holliday, I Sillitoe, C Orengo, ...

Base resolution maps reveal the importance of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine in a human glioblastoma

SB Eun-Ang Raiber, Dario Beraldi, Sergio Martínez Cuesta, Gordon R. McInroy ...

npj Genomic Medicine 2, 6

5-Formylcytosine controls nucleosome positioning through covalent histone-DNA interaction

EA Raiber, G Portella, SM Cuesta, R Hardisty, P Murat, Z Li, M Iurlaro, ...

BioRxiv, 224444

Reaction Decoder Tool (RDT): extracting features from chemical reactions

SA Rahman, G Torrance, L Baldacci, S Martínez Cuesta, F Fenninger, ...

Bioinformatics 32 (13), 2065-2066

Characterising Complex Enzyme Reaction Data

HM Dönertaş, S Martínez Cuesta, SA Rahman, JM Thornton

PLOS ONE 11 (2), e0147952

Exploring the chemistry and evolution of the isomerases

S Martínez Cuesta, SA Rahman, JM Thornton

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (7), 1796–1801


Teaching and Supervisions




  • Introduction to working with UNIX and bash - Training Lead, Trainer
  • An Introduction to Machine Learning - Training Lead, Trainer


  • ChIP-seq and ATAC-seq analysis - Training Lead, Trainer


  • ChIP-seq and ATAC-seq analysis - Training Lead, Trainer
  • Bioinformatics for Biologists: An introduction to programming, analysis and reproducibility - Training Lead, Trainer


  • Data Carpentry in R - Trainer
  • Working with Python: functions and modules - Trainer


  • An Introduction to Solving Biological Problems with Python - Trainer
  • Avoiding data disasters