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Bioinformatics Training

Read more at: Jiayin Hong, PhD

Jiayin Hong, PhD

Research Associate

Read more at: Victor Flores Lopez

Victor Flores Lopez


Read more at: Tom Smith, PhD

Tom Smith, PhD


Read more at: Shahriar (aka Shawn) Zamani

Shahriar (aka Shawn) Zamani

I am a PhD candidate at the University of Cambridge Early Cancer Institute on a Gates Cambridge scholarship. My research integrates epidemiology and genome sequencing data to better understand cancer development with the aim of informing early detection and prevention efforts.

Read more at: Rui Guan

Rui Guan

MRC Toxicology Unit, University of Cambridge

Read more at: Raquel Manzano Garcia

Raquel Manzano Garcia

Raquel is a part-time Biomedical Science PhD student and part-time bioinformatician. Her research is focused on cancer omics and data integration. For her PhD she is looking into intratumoral heterogeneity at phenotypic and genotypic level using NGS. She works with bash, python, R and Nextflow to develop her pipelines and uses high performance computing and version control system such as git. With the bioinformatics training unit she is developing new materials and working as a trainer to deliver the biostatistics and bioinformatics curriculum.

Read more at: Lisa Breckels (Simpson), PhD

Lisa Breckels (Simpson), PhD


Lisa Breckels is a Bioinformatician and Research Associate based at the Cambridge Centre for Proteomics (CCP) at the University of Cambridge, UK. 

Read more at: Gitanjali Yadav, PhD

Gitanjali Yadav, PhD

Dr. Gitanjali Yadav is a Trustee of St. Edmund's College, University of Cambridge. She is also the first DBT-Cambridge Lectureship awardee, a joint program between Cambridge Old Schools and the NIPGR, Govt of India. She has a diverse educational background, with a Ph.D. in Microbial Immunology (from the National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi India), a Master's degree in Biomedical Research and graduate degree with Honors in Botany, from the University of Delhi.

Read more at: Chloe Pacyna

Chloe Pacyna

Chloe is a PhD student at the Wellcome Sanger Institute on a Marshall Scholarship. She is supervised by Peter Campbell and Tom Mitchell.

Read more at: Chandra Chilamakuri

Chandra Chilamakuri

Bioinformatics Analyst