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Bioinformatics Training

Read more at: Charlotte Hutchings

Charlotte Hutchings

PhD candidate Gene Therapy and Proteomics at the University of Cambridge

Read more at: Natalie Wallis

Natalie Wallis

Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience

Read more at: Matthew Eldridge, PhD

Matthew Eldridge, PhD

Head of Computational Biology, CRUK

Matt joined the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute (CRUK CI) in December 2007 as Head of the Bioinformatics Core to provide support to research scientists in data processing, statistics, software development and training.

Read more at: Raquel Manzano Garcia

Raquel Manzano Garcia

Raquel is a part-time Biomedical Science PhD student and part-time bioinformatician. Her research is focused on cancer omics and data integration. For her PhD she is looking into intratumoral heterogeneity at phenotypic and genotypic level using NGS. She works with bash, python, R and Nextflow to develop her pipelines and uses high performance computing and version control system such as git. With the bioinformatics training unit she is developing new materials and working as a trainer to deliver the biostatistics and bioinformatics curriculum.

Read more at: Chandra Chilamakuri

Chandra Chilamakuri

Bioinformatics Analyst

Read more at: Ashley Sawle

Ashley Sawle

Principal Bioinformatics Analyst at Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute

Read more at: Abigail Edwards, PhD

Abigail Edwards, PhD

Abbi has had an interesting and somewhat varied path to bioinformatics. Starting out as a biochemist, moving through various subjects until she eventually got sick of pipetting and decided sitting behind a computer was more her speed.

Read more at: Martin van Rongen, PhD

Martin van Rongen, PhD

Biostatistics Initiative Lead


Job Role

Martin is responsible for the development, delivery and coordination of the biostatistics curriculum.



Monday to Friday, office hours.

Read more at: Hugo Tavares, PhD

Hugo Tavares, PhD

Bioinformatics Training Developer

Job Role

Hugo is responsible for developing and coordinating our "omics" curriculum, as well as recruiting and training instructors from across the University. 



Monday to Friday, office hours.