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Bioinformatics Training

Read more at: Yuki Ye

Yuki Ye

PhD Student, Department of Clinical Neurosciences

Read more at: Ana Catarina da Silva

Ana Catarina da Silva

I'm a microbiologist who has transitioned from wet to dry-lab science. I use the lens of bioinformatics to look at biological questions from the perspective and context of the data. I have worked at the interface of basic and translational research, and currently am using bioinformatics approaches to investigate the role of uncultured bacteria in the human gut, with the goal of understanding how the composition of the gut microbiome may influence the incidence of gut-related human diseases.

Read more at: Puspendu Sardar, PhD

Puspendu Sardar, PhD

Read more at: Ian Tsang

Ian Tsang

My background is in Biological Sciences. I obtained my MSci at the University of Bristol. During my undergraduate degree, I became extremely interested in plant sciences and decided that I wanted to purse a PhD in plant/crop sciences.

Read more at: Ilina Moitra

Ilina Moitra

Ilina is a Research Assistant with the Drosophila Connectomics group at Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge.


Read more at: Erin Doody, PhD

Erin Doody, PhD

Postdoctoral Researcher in the Moyroud Group at SLCU studying natural variation and EvoDevo of petal bullseye patterns in Hibiscus using a combination of genetics, genomics and field work.


Read more at: Zachary Scurlock

Zachary Scurlock

Pathology PhD Student at the University of Cambridge

Read more at: Guillermo Parada Gonzalez, PhD

Guillermo Parada Gonzalez, PhD


Read more at: Bajuna Salehe, PhD

Bajuna Salehe, PhD

Bioinformatics Teaching Associate


Job Role

Bajuna works with Hugo to support the development and delivery of our portfolio of 'omics related courses.   



Monday to Friday, office hours.


Read more at: Zeynep Kalender-Atak, PhD

Zeynep Kalender-Atak, PhD

Senior Scientist at AstraZeneca

Background: Statistics & Computational Biology