Raquel is a part-time Biomedical Science PhD student and part-time bioinformatician. Her research is focused on cancer omics and data integration. For her PhD she is looking into intratumoral heterogeneity at phenotypic and genotypic level using NGS. She works with bash, python, R and Nextflow to develop her pipelines and uses high performance computing and version control system such as git. With the bioinformatics training unit she is developing new materials and working as a trainer to deliver the biostatistics and bioinformatics curriculum.
Kasia is a Experimental Biologist responsible for genomics workflows within Cosyne Therapeutics team in Cambridge. Kasia holds a MSc in biotechnology from the University of Agriculture in Krakow (Poland) and has a decade of experience in molecular biology in both academia and industry. Prior to Cosyne, Kasia worked in CRUK CI Genomics Core Facility. She was managing single cell sequencing service for the University of Cambridge and the Cambridge Biomedical Campus where she developed her expertise in implementing new scRNAseq technologies.
The Gurdon Institute Bioinformatics group collaborates with scientists across the Institute to enhance research into developmental biology and cancer. We advise on experimental design, develop pipelines for data processing (with Nextflow, Python and R) and analyse data to generate novel biological findings.
Abbi has had an interesting and somewhat varied path to bioinformatics. Starting out as a biochemist, moving through various subjects until she eventually got sick of pipetting and decided sitting behind a computer was more her speed.